We are a volunteer group and have a wide and growing membership across Wimbledon. This is a community project and we are committed to delivering a better future for Wimbledon.
Before we can start drawing up the plan, PlanWimbledon needs to be accredited by the Council and your support will be instrumental in gaining the authority to proceed.
We would love you to join us so that we can hear your thoughts, ideas and concerns. Membership is free and without obligation. Whether you would like to contribute your time and skills, or just want to be kept up to date with what we are doing, do sign up so that we can keep you informed.
Under our constitution membership is open to:
- Individuals who live in the area
- Individuals who work in the area, whether for business carried on there, or otherwise
- Community organisations which operate in the area, through their duly appointed representatives
- Businesses, educational establishments or other entities which operate in the area, through their duly appointed representatives
- Individuals who are elected members of Merton Council, any part of whose area falls within the Area, who shall be ex officio members
- Individuals who have a material and ongoing environmental, social, cultural, or economic interest in the Area.
Organisations of residents and businesses may join and attend meetings but not vote at General Meetings. New members are very welcome and we would be particularly keen to hear from any residents association which we have not contacted directly.
A copy of our privacy notice is here